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The Wasp as a Metaphor

Mia Hamilton • November 16, 2024
The universe has a special way of ensuring its wisdom penetrates our lives. Whether through synchronicities, physical signs or symbols, or needed conversations with mentors, the messages meant for us will reach us no matter how hard we attempt to ignore them. Observing, listening to, and acting on the wisdom we receive is crucial to evolving into our highest state of being.

My message from a more evolved Mia came in the form of a pesky little wasp. I was blessed with a new roommate in my college apartment as a tiny wasp made my bedroom its home. Thus, a week-long Cold War began as neither I nor the wasp made the first move. I knew this wasp was a problem and that allowing it to stay would put me at risk of being stung, yet I ignored it and went about my busy, 20-something life. That was, until the fateful night of the attack. As I prepared to indulge in Halloween festivities, the wasp finally made its move. By hiding in my cowboy boots, the wasp was able to attack my finger with a sting when I least expected it. The wasp had won the war. My problem had flourished from a minor nuisance into a significant pain in the finger. But then, it hit me. This was a metaphor for something far greater than just a bug problem. 

I have a habit of burying my shadows. I move forward and do so quickly in hopes of creating new, beautiful things that can correct the mistakes and grievances of my past self. I tend to ignore the 'leaky faucets" in my life until they become a 'flooded kitchen.' As the pain of the wasp sting subsided, I was overtaken by clarity: this wasp was sent as a message I could not ignore, and the message was clear. Act now. Stop pushing tasks aside for later and do them in the present. Take care of the shadows, or the wasps, in your life when they appear instead of waiting to get stung. 

Gloria Santiago has another metaphor that is quite perfect here. If you and I were in a dark room, and I immediately shined a bright flashlight in your face, you would instantly be blinded and unable to see. The flashlight would not illuminate the room but further, darken your vision from the actual reality you are to face. On the other hand, if I were to take you to a dark room and allow your eyes to adjust to the setting and find the light from within, you would eventually be able to perceive the reality in front of you. Ignoring the signs, the shadows, and our highest selves deter us from the path to evolution. By accepting their presence, facing them head-on, and giving ourselves the time to heal and grow into our present reality, we can speed-track our personal growth journeys and become our highest selves.

Listen to the universe. Embrace your darkness. Find the light from within. And if you get stung by a wasp, baking soda and philosophical thinking are fantastic remedies for the pain.

With peace and love,
Marketing Director of Metaphysical Pilates
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious" - Carl Jung

November 2024
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