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Authenticity as a Universal Language

Gloria Santiago • December 18, 2024
Was the first language perhaps Storytelling? Spiritual psychology was first learned in stories to teach us how to think constructively. With Christmas approaching, it is celebrated as a time of spiritual reflection and gratitude for the birth of Jesus. Many believe that Jesus's birth was the "incarnation" when God became human, and to be human is to be empathetic. [Empathy is a foundation of human connection, and it helps us build relationships, understand others, and create a safe space for communication. It can also motivate us to help others and relieve their suffering.]

Thought creates a feeling, feeling creates a reaction, and reaction creates the effect of its thought. Do not conform and allow the world to think for you. Think constructively so that you may know your highest self, which is your authentic self.

“Do you know what was the most powerful frequency these researchers measured leaving the human body? Authenticity. Researchers said it was 4,000 times more powerful than love!” (Bloom)

To think constructively is to believe with your conscience. Consciousness creates a feeling, the feeling creates a reaction, and the reaction creates the authentic frequency effect in the ability to understand and share the feelings of others and to develop the building block of morality as we evolve to care for all beings.

Owner of Metaphysical Pilates
“All conformity to the actions of others is a form of fear.”

December 2024
Pope Francis sitting with a wooden baby Jesus who is swaddled in a keffiyeh
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