We are all inherently seekers. From the age of hunter-gatherers to the new age concept of "finding ourselves" we are forever searching for a missing piece of our being. We live in a society that is plagued with material cravings and illusionary standards and as long as we continue to seek out these fleeting gratifications, we will never be indeed at peace. In this time and space, I want to give you a somewhat alarming piece of advice, stop seeking outwardly. To seek outwardly for answers is to strive for and focus on the future constantly. To seek outwardly is to infinitely compare where we are in this moment to where we were in the past. To seek outwardly is to overlook the one key element guaranteed to fulfill every waking need: our higher selves.
Everything we could ever need or want is in the present moment. If we wholeheartedly accept and believe that what we desire is within us, it shall be. Happiness will not present itself as a twenty-dollar bill found on the street or a compliment from a friend on a new hairstyle, but in the gratitude we hold for the experiences we have. Materials, in all matters of the word, are just things. They are human creations brought about through thought. By this logic, if you find peace of mind in your thoughts, those thoughts will by default materialize into all that you have ever desired. Thinking positively and constructively is actively bringing your deepest wishes and desires to life.
To seek outwardly means you are lost. To seek outwardly means to want more, to never be satisfied, and to take most things for granted. By ceasing your journey of constant seeking in the material world around you, you will begin to realize that all you have ever sought out is where it has always been: in your own mind, in your own heart, and in your highest possible self.
with peace and love,
Marketing Liason at Metaphysical Pilates
“Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it.”
June 2023
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 7:00am-6:30pm
Saturday 8:00am-3:00pm
Sunday 9:00am-12:00pm